Saturday, 16 November 2013


This post doesn't really fit with the other ones that I've done so far- but I really felt the urge to write it.  Its 2.52am and I've been receiving some pretty aggressive texts from someone that I once considered closest to me.  Of course it is only natural for me to be upset by this- its hurtful and being accused of things is never nice to deal with.  It has made me realise though that I can not go on dealing with this.

I am a very emotional person and I often over-think and over-worry about what people think.  This has really sent me into a tunnel of negativity for the past year now and left me feeling deflated and rubbish about myself.  But why?  Why even let these feelings and experiences happen and get the better of me?  I need to focus on the positive in life more- me, myself and I.  There is no need for negativity and negative people to be in my life.  Last year I had some pretty nasty encounters with a number of aggressive people and it really affected me, more than I realised at the time.  This is stopping now.  For me to be truly happy with myself I cannot put up with these feelings anymore.

Of course it is inevitable that I will probably have a falling out or clash with someone in the future, but for now there is no space in my life for people that go out purposefully to hurt you.  There should not be room in anyone's life for that.  And it should not upset me.  If anything, people hurting me is only going to make me a stronger person.  Surrounding myself with positivity is part of an attempt to be happier in myself.  My sister said I needed a bit of a 'reinvention'- this wasn't meant in a nasty way, and she's right.  Away with the old K that got down about the smallest things and was constantly negative about life.  Noone wants to hear that and it doesn't help me in any way.

I know this change is not going to happen overnight but it will happen.  I really need this, I really need to be happier with myself.

Sorry for the rant if anyone is reading this.

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